About ACP Day

About ACP Day 2025

Advance Care Plan Day is a not for profit awareness campaign taking place on the 7th May 2025. In the month’s leading up to the day of awareness and action we encourage different communities to share care planning resources and make plans for the day itself.

The national day of awareness and action supports all areas that encompass advance care planning and future care planning. 


Who runs and organises the Advance Care Plan Day?

ACP Day is provided by various individuals and charitable organisations who donate their time, expertise and energy to make it happen. If you are able to support us with insights, a guest blog post or anything else please do get in touch.

ACP Day 2025 Team

James Norris founder of MyWishes & The Digital Legacy Association. Digital Research Fellow at Harlington Hospice. 

Dani Ayre, Palliative Care Educator at Norfolk & Norwich Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Clare Fuller, Advance Care Planning advocate, coach and educator at Speak For Me LPA.


Contributors & Supporters



The Digital Legacy Association

Speak For Me LPA

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

Norfolk & Norwich Hospitals Charity


ACP Day 2025 Supporters

Hospice UK


NHS Wales Advance & Future Care Planning Group

Norfolk & Norwich Foundation University NHS Trust

NHS Gloucestershire ICB 

Compassion in Dying


Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

No Barriers Here

Mary Stevens Hospice 

Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust  

Hampshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Ageing Without Children (UK)

Ageing Without Children East (Kent) 

Willow Burn Hospice


“No one wants to have to plan for their own future or death but it’s a fact of life and only you know what you’d like to happen - plan for the worst hope for the best and better yet write it down and file and forget it but tell those that matter first"
Dr Ollie Minton
Clinical Lead for Palliative Medicine & Clinical Director for Cancer. NHS University Hospitals Sussex

What Matters Most To You? Conference, Streaming partners

To view a list of locations where the conference will be live streamed or to stream this year’s conference for free click, on the button below.

List your charity, NHS Trust or Organisation as a supporter

“Thank you” to all of the charities, NHS Trusts and organisations who are supporting this year’s ACP day.

Supporters have either pledged to put on an event, share information or share a live stream of this year’s Advance Care Planning ‘Getting Your House in Order’ Conference.

Download, use the ACP 2025 Press Release

This year’s ACP Press Release will be released and distributed from the 20th February 2025.  Once published, please download and share this information with the communities you serve if it is suitable to do so

Dying Matters Awareness Week

Advance Care Plan Day 2025 is taking place as part of Dying Matters Awareness Week 2025.

In 2025, Dying Matters Awareness Week will take place from Monday 5 to Sunday 11 May. The theme of this year’s campaign is: The Culture of Dying Matters. The awareness week is organised by Hospice UK


This website was made with love and care by MyWishes, Michael Sobell Hospice, Gate 3, Mount Vernon hospital, Northwood HA6 2RN, United Kingdom,